Monthly Archives: May 2010

National Smile Month 2010 comes to Leicester

National Smile Month 2010 is taking place between May 16th and June 16th under the tagline ‘Teeth4Life.’, and here at Smile Essential we are proud to be participating in this nationwide event.

On your next visit to the practice, look out for a series of special events for all members of the family including special treats for children with free giveaways and balloons and all adults are invited to enter our fundraising prize draw to win a home tooth whitening package (RRP £399) for £1.  We will also be giving you the opportunity to sample some of the latest oral health products completely free of charge!

Outside of the practice, the team are hosting events at local schools to help to promote the importance of healthy teeth and healthy eating.

Lina Kotecha commented “we are delighted to get involved in National Smile Month and to give a little bit back to the residents of Leicester. Good oral health is very important and we are always looking for ways to help improve the dental health of our patients.

This year’s National Smile Month maintains the British Dental Health Foundation’s key messages: brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, cut down on how often you have sugary foods and drinks and visit the dentists as regularly as they recommend.

There is now significant scientific evidence that links good oral health with overall health, the research clearly links gum disease to heart disease, diabetes, strokes and premature and low birth weight babies.

Smile Essential gears up for Race for Life 2010

The team at Smile Essential are all gearing up to participate in the Race for Life on Sunday 13th June 2010 in Loughborough.  The charity is close to all our hearts and we are excited to be able to offer our support, to help Cancer Research UK carry on the amazing work they do.

Race for Life started in 1994 with just one event in Battersea Park in London and has gone from strength to strength. The 2009 series was the biggest yet with over 730,000 women taking part. This year on its 16th birthday, the charity hopes that thousands more women will come together to walk, jog or run the 5k course to help raise over £60 million to fund Cancer Research UK’s life-saving work into all types of cancer

Lina, Dawn, Adele, Donna, Emilia and Karen are all busy in training for the big race and some of the team have gone a step further by changing their diets and lifestyles to help with their general well-being not just for the race day.  “I’m so proud to be part of something so special and looking forwards to the big day.  It gives me a sense of personal achievement knowing that we are all going to be helping to fund raise for such a worthy cause and having lots of fun along the way!” commented Dawn Massey.

Please help us to help millions of people, affected by Cancer everyday, if you can help us however big or small the amount then please go online to or make a donation in person at the practice.

Look out for future blog posts to see all the highlights from the day.


1st Dental Practice in Leicester to achieve ‘Silver’ status

High standards of care at Smile Essential have been recognised by the British Dental Association BDA Good Practice Scheme. We have been a member of the scheme since 2003 and Smile Essential has now gained the top prestigious Silver Member Status. As yet there is no ‘Gold’!  Smile Essential has been included on a new national list of dentists noted for their good practice. Launched in 2001, the BDA Good Practice Scheme is based on nationally agreed standards of good practice.

Dentists Lina and Shrik Kotecha acknowledge that the BDA Silver Good Practice Award, along with the ‘Investor in People’ Award, is an accolade to the high standards achieved within the practice and has benefited both patients and staff. They said: The ‘Patient Journey’, from entering the front door to leaving after completion of treatment, has been analysed thoroughly. A large sample of patients have been asked to fill in a satisfaction questionnaire covering all aspects of the practice, from opening times and décor to staff attitudes and the clinical experience. The results were comprehensively analysed and alterations made, resulting in happier patients and staff.

The practice has been awarded the prestigious Silver Award of the BDA Good Practice Scheme. These awards are just a small part of our team’s commitment to providing you with the highest standard of dental care.