Monthly Archives: September 2010

What to do following a dental extraction

The following steps will help prevent bleeding and relieve soreness after a dental extraction


  • Rest for a few hours, but you do not have to lie down.
  • Strenuous exercise is best avoided for a few hours.
  • Do not vigorously rinse the mouth for at least 24 hours.
  • Avoid HOT fluids, alcohol, hard or chewy foods.  Choose cool drinks and minced or soft foods.
  • Should the wound start to bleed, apply a small compress. This can be made from some cotton wool in a clean handkerchief.  Place this on the bleeding point and bite firmly on it for 5-10 minutes, longer if necessary.
  • Any pain or soreness can be relieved by taking pain killers advised by your Dentist.
  • If prolonged bleeding or pain occurs, contact your Dentist.
  • Smoking is best avoided for 24 hours following treatment.


  • It may be beneficial to use an antiseptic rinse or a warm salt water rinse to bathe the wound.  This may be carried out after each meal until healing is complete.  A salt water rinse is made by dissolving a level teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.  The solution should be held in the mouth for two to three minutes to bathe the wound and then discarded.
  • Continuing mild pain can be treated by taking pain killers, but not containing any aspirin


Avoid costly dental treatment with regular check ups at Leicester Dentists

Looking after the health of your teeth is fundamental to avoiding dental problems occurring in the future. When it comes to the health of your teeth it really is prevention that plays the biggest part in keeping them healthy. As well as brushing and flossing as part of a complete and thorough home dental hygiene routine, it is also very important that you keep up regular six-month dental appointments with your dentist.

Leicester dentists recommend six-months as the maximum time you should go without having a check up. In some cases it will need to be shorter but your dentist will keep you fully informed. Six-months is the maximum time because this will give you the best chance of avoiding any dental problems that can arise. Even if you start to succumb to dental decay or gum disease, as long as you visit a dentist within six-months it will usually be enough time to catch the problem before it gets too serious. Treating decay and disease at their earliest stages will give you the best chance of beating the condition and avoiding the need for more serious, costly and painful dental treatment. It will also help to keep your teeth in the best condition possible.

There is also a more serious reason why check ups are important. With one in three adults in the UK suffering from cancer at some point it is crucial we do all we can to be aware of the disease. Oral cancer is a very nasty form of cancer that occurs on the soft tissue of the mouth. A dentist will carry out a thorough check for cancer as part of a routine check up which could just save your life.

September is Colgate Oral Health Month

September sees the launch of Colgate Oral Health month which is an annual education campaign in association with the British Dental Association. It aims to raise awareness and educate on key oral health messages. This years theme is Discover three essentials for an even healthier mouth and it has the following key messages:

Brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and replace your toothbrush regularly
Avoid sugary snacks between meals
Visit the dentist regularly

You can find out more information from the Colgate Website

Book an appointment with us to get more information on how you can improve your oral health.