We all know about the benefits of brushing with a fluoride toothpaste, but did any of the dentists or dental team at Smile Essential tell you of these 5 nifty little tips that Kim and Agie would be proud of (how clean is your mouth house?).
1) Clean the bathroom sink – Toothpaste contains tiny, natural abrasives, such as silica that work great on shining up your sink, including the taps.
2) Remove odour from hands – The same ingredient that freshens your breath will also remove unpleasant odours from your hands. Just use it that same way you would use hand soap.
3) Remove crayon marks from walls – The mark of every home with a toddler, crayons on the wall. No problem, just squirt a little toothpaste on the walls and scrub with a brush or micro-fiber cloth. Viola – gone.
4) Clean a clothes iron – To clean that gummy residue that occasionally builds up on your iron, just scrub it with some toothpaste. Those little abrasives come in handy again. Just make sure to do this on a cool iron.
5) Remove scuffs from leather shoes – Out of shoe polish right before the big date? No problem, just grab your toothpaste, put a dab on your shoes. Rub with a soft cloth then remove with a damp cloth. Your shoes will look brand, sparkling new.