Monthly Archives: May 2017

Braces: the must have accessory for adults

Around 50% of orthodontic treatments are now being carried out on adults. The request for straighter teeth has become increasingly popular amongst our adult patients at Smile Essential. Braces are now commonly seen being worn by people in their thirties, forties, fifties and sixties!

Extensive treatments such as veneers or crowns were once the quick fix treatment for those that just wanted to straighten up the teeth that were most visible in the smile line. However, most of our patients want lovely straight teeth without invasive treatment or doing anything to damage the teeth.

Being an adult, most dislike the idea of braces and believed they weren’t an option for them due to appearance and the huge commitment to long treatment times to get their teeth straight.

There have been major advancements in dental treatment over the last decade and especially around orthodontics. There are now a wider variety of brace treatments.

At Smile Essential Dental Practice we offer Anterior (Anterior means nearer the front) Alignment Orthodontics. It concentrates on moving the teeth visible in your smile to a more desirable position. Which means that you get to straighten the teeth that matter to you most, in a fraction of the time it takes traditional orthodontics and because it doesn’t take as long it doesn’t cost as much as much as traditional braces.

There are many options to finance your orthodontic treatment. We have a range of flexible options specially tailored to suit you and your needs. One of our most popular finance options is our 12 months 0% interest offer; it allows you to spread the cost of your new smile so you don’t have to make any lifestyle changes. You can see the various rates and options and work out what you can afford to borrow and the monthly costs with our handy online finance calculator.

Brace treatment is not suitable for everyone and you may require specialist treatment with an orthodontist. That’s why we offer FREE consultations to come in for a chat and an initial assessment. We currently offer complimentary teeth whitening to finish your new straighter smile perfectly.

Call our friendly team to arrange a convenient appointment today 0116 2891317

Dental Leicester

White teeth for a white wedding…

white teeth for wedding

In the countdown to the big day, all brides are busy prepping and planning everything from makeup to shoes. You’ll also want to make sure you’re flashing a set of perfect pearly whites. That’s why more and more brides are turning to tooth whitening. A bright white smile is sure to stand out in all of your beautiful pic of the day.

We believe the best and most effective way to lighten your teeth is with our Enlighten home or Enlighten Ultimate tooth whitening. Professional home tooth bleaching can be carried out way before the big day and a mini top-up done just before the day. We would advise on having the treatment at least 5 weeks before your big day.

Generally, we require 2 to 3 appointments:

Appointment one: a free consultation to have a chat about your tooth whitening goals and that you are suitable. If you’re happy then we can take the impressions at this stage to make your uniquely designed tooth whitening trays.

Appointment two: is when the uniquely designed tooth whitening trays are fitted and then you start to whiten your teeth from home each evening for the next 2 weeks.

Appointment three: is a review of the tooth whitening and your results. If you have opted for Enlighten Ultimate then we will perform in-surgery laser tooth whitening. This appointment is very straight forward, wearing your trays and a special high concentration gel you can relax and watch a DVD for an hour.

Having your teeth whitened by a dentist is the easiest cosmetic dental treatment to brighten and whiten your smile. Whitening with a dentist is by far the safest way to whiten your teeth and avoid any tooth related problems on the big day, so when it arrives you’ll have a happier, healthier and whiter smile.

Arrange a free consultation by giving our friendly team a call 0116 2891317

Dental Leicester

National Smile Month 2017

National Smile Month Photo of Dental Team

National Smile Month started back in 1977, aimed to address an increasingly critical problem of how to get people to look after their teeth in a time when only one in three people had their natural teeth! It began as a week-long campaign called Smile 77 project which focussed on the concept of preventative dentistry.

Over the years more and more health and dental organisations have supported the campaign and it transformed into a month-long campaign, now reaching thousands of people in the UK and overseas.

National Smile Month runs this year from May 15th until June 15th and is one of the UK’s largest oral health campaigns. Together, with other dentists, thousands of individuals, organisations and hopefully our patients too. We will be able to promote 3 key messages, all of which go a long way in helping us develop and maintain a healthy mouth:

Brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste
Cut down on how often you have sugary foods and drinks
Visit your dentist regularly, as often as they recommend

It is particularly important for the people of Leicester to promote this message for the children in the county. According to an NHS report, over 50% of children in Leicester have dental decay compared to the national average of 27%. A shocking statistic, I’m sure you’ll agree.

This year we will be holding a week children’s week to help educate engage children and parents to better oral health. We will have an interactive zone where children can see just how much sugar is hidden in some of their favourite drinks.

Dr Niket Patel commented “we’re delighted to get involved in National Smile Month and try to promote good oral hygiene habits to children and parents. Good oral health should be important to everyone and we are always looking for ways to help improve the dental health of our patients.”

Dental Leicester

My teeth are amazing…

patient testimonial leicester clinic

Highly recommendable dentist. I joined the practice in May, I was looking around for a dentist who could do cosmetic work for a while.

This place is nice and clean and staff were always friendly, I really felt taken care of.
I knew I wanted veneers, I thought I needed them on all my teeth but I have just had the top front 4 done.

Before I had them the dentist had some models made up to check that veneers would work for me and so I could see what they looked like. Fortunately, I loved them! And love them even more now their in and I’m smiling from ear to ear. I had my teeth bleached first and then the dentist got the lab man in to do a specialist colour match and my veneers look amazing and so natural.

They have a membership plan which I joined as I saved 15% on my treatment and I spread the cost over all the appointments.

I can’t recommend these guys enough. Thank you!!!