Beautiful practice, warm and welcoming atmosphere with lovely, friendly professional staff. 10/10
Mr L.M, Leicester.
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Beautiful practice, warm and welcoming atmosphere with lovely, friendly professional staff. 10/10
Mr L.M, Leicester.
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Often, the first sign of a dental emergency is the pain. Dental pain can be severe and you should never delay seeking treatment.
Dental emergencies
Our highly experienced and caring dentists at Smile Essential can provide emergency dental care for any of the following dental emergencies:
You should seek immediate advice if you experience any of the following:
• Severe bleeding dental bleeding as a result of an accident
• Severe dental pain
• Bleeding from an extracted tooth which you cannot stop.
• Sudden and severe swelling around the tooth, gum or mouth.
How to manage pain and discomfort
A toothache is often regarded as one of the worse pains a person can experience, but that doesn’t mean pain relief medication can’t be effective. Many over the counter pain relief medications such as paracetamol and ibuprofen are effective at treating the pain or at least reducing its intensity. There are also stronger pain relief medications available and when looking for the best way to deal with the pain it’s recommended that you gain advice from your local pharmacist, dentist or GP. Of course, you should always read the medication instructions to check they are suitable and if in doubt seek advice from an appropriately trained professional.
Old wives tales
Most old wives tales don’t work and can actually do more harm than good. Avoid strong concentrations of clove oil as this can burn and irritate the fragile gum tissue. Also soaking alcohol next to the tooth can irritate the gum and cause further discomfort.
Old wives tales you can try, include ice packs to reduce facial swelling and salt water rinses are excellent for healing gums.
Remember a dental emergency is often caused by avoiding regular dental health checks or delaying required treatment. Even if your symptoms subside you should still arrange an appointment for your local dentist to review.
We aim to see all of our registered patients on the same day, so long as you give us a call us before 10 am. On certain occasions, this may not be possible but we will offer advice on what to do and aim to give you an appointment within 24 hours.
If your emergency occurs outside of practice hours such as evening and weekends then we will have emergency information on our practice answer phone.
Even if you are not registered at our practice, we will still provide you with emergency dental care. We will treat any patient, on the same day if possible, for a fixed fee. While we may not be able to carry out permanent or definitive treatment, such as root canal treatment, at this appointment, we will be able to dress the tooth and do whatever is necessary to help relieve the pain. We will never leave a patient in pain. You may require follow-up appointments, either at our practice or with your own dentist if you are registered elsewhere.
If you are having a dental emergency outside of usual working hours and aren’t registered to a dentist then you should ring 111 for advice and guidance on your local service.
To speak to our team give us a call 0116 2891317
I was a nervous wreck on my first visit. Hadn’t been to the dentist for quite a while and was ashamed of the state of my teeth. I was made to feel welcome, safe and cared for from the minute I walked in the door. This was a few years ago, I am pleased to say that I am still a regular visitor.
Nik is a great dentist and always makes me feel at ease. Yesterday I had two appointments- impressions, an extraction and a new denture fitted- I wouldn’t have believed that was possible on my first visit!
The whole team are great. Highly recommended.
PS my new teeth look great!
Mrs A.G, Leicester.
Find out more joining our practice…
Smiling is something that generally comes easily to most and it’s often suggested nothing more than a simple smile. But smiling is much more powerful than that. There are also all sorts of advantages to smiling that you’re probably not aware of. Read on to see how many of these smiley super powers you rely on.
Super Power One: Fix a social faux pas
Embarrassing social situations can be the worst. But with a little know-how, you could easily elicit a feeling from other people to show a little empathy. An embarrassed smile we look down and sometimes we emit a silly little laugh.
Super Power Two: Laws of Attraction
Opposites really do attract when it comes to the rules of attractiveness. If a woman smiles and makes eye contact with a man then he will approach her and it’s deemed an attractive quality.
However, if a man smiles too much at a woman then it’s thought his masculinity is brought into question and he seems less attractive.
Super Power Three: Smile to live longer
Smile to live a longer, healthier and happier life. Happier people tend to lead richer more fulfilling lives. Appreciating the small things in life in turn leads to less stress, a healthier mind and body.
Super Power Four: Smile to shake off stress
Smiling makes us feel good even when we don’t, so force a small smile when you’re feeling stressed and try to gain perspective on your situation. When smiling it’s believed a chemical reaction takes place and feel good hormones get released and this could help to reduce your stress level.
Super Power Five: Get others to trust you
Smiling can help people to trust you, it shows that you are friendly, approachable and have nothing to hide. It’s thought to give your smile real value and authenticity you should show your teeth whilst smiling.
Super Power Six: Smile for leniency
This part we think gets perfected during childhood and it can work towards your advantage during adulthood too! Next time you make a mistake smile. Just like a naughty child when they have have gotten into mischief – look innocent, sorry and this time don’t show your teeth else you might look too happy!
Super Power Seven: Smile to make money
A smile can have real value in the world of work at all levels. To see this you only have to look at yourself and your own actions every day. Did you tip the smiling waitress? Give to happy charity collector? It’s an age-old system that has always worked to give you what you want and in the world of work, that means money.
Know the value of your smile.
If you’re concerned with any aspect of your smile then take a look at FREE cosmetic consultations…