Monthly Archives: April 2019

Keeping your teeth bright and white at home…

If you’ve started to notice your teeth aren’t as white as they could be maybe you need to tweak your home dental care routine. Now we’re not promising these tips will lighten your teeth by several shades. You’ll need our professional Enlighten whitening for that. But a few home tweaks could certainly help you brighten up your smile a little.

Invest in an electric toothbrush we love the Phillips Sonicare. It can help to remove surface staining which could lighten your teeth by a shade a two! An electric toothbrush is more efficient at removing the daily stains that build up on your teeth causing them to discolour.

Team your new Sonicare toothbrush with a good whitening toothpaste. Now don’t be confused whitening toothpastes don’t whiten your teeth. They do, however, help to remove some surface staining. We recommend using a reputable brand such as Colgate Total whitening. Whitening toothpaste and polishes should be used caution. Some toothpaste are too abrasive and could actually damage your teeth if used too frequently or you use a particularly harsh paste.

Watch your diet! It isn’t just teas, coffees and red wines that stain teeth. There are many drinks and foods that can stain your teeth. Juices such as blackcurrant, currys, fruit teas, beetroot juice, green tea, balsamic vinegar and tomato sauce. The best way to avoid your teeth discolouring is to eat only white foods! But seriously, life is for living! One way to have your cake and eat it (please don’t eat too much cake it really is bad for your teeth) is to drink water with limit stain-causing foods and keep up with the Sonicare and toothpaste.

Clean between your teeth. Clean teeth are bright teeth. Plaque has a yellow appearance and if you’re not following a vigorous oral health regime you may be leaving some plaque behind.

All of these tips will help to keep your teeth white and in tip-top condition. However, if you want to lighten your teeth by several shades then you may want to have a look at our professional whitening. This is a two week home whitening programme using customised whitening trays and an in-office laser whitening treatment at the end of the whitening course. Your teeth will achieve the lightest shade on our natural tooth shade guide – B1 and that’s guaranteed.

Whitening Your Teeth at Home Summary

The safest way to keep your teeth white at home is to remove daily staining by using a good electric toothbrush, a whitening toothpaste and avoid stain-causing foods and drinks. If you would still like whiter teeth than maybe it’s time to try professional tooth whitening.

Your teeth whitening questions answered!

Does teeth whitening work?

Professional teeth whitening carried out by a dentist can lighten your teeth by several shades. This method of whitening works. Over the counter whitening kits and toothpaste remove minimal superficial staining, so are less effective.

Does tooth whitening at the dentist work better?

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most effective materials for whitening teeth. In the UK only dentists can provide products containing or releasing more than 0.1% hydrogen peroxide up to 6% hydrogen peroxide. Over the counter products are generally much weaker and ineffective at lightening teeth.

How long does it take to whiten teeth?

Up to 14 nights or 1-hour dependant on the treatment. Generally, professional whitening treatments from the dentist fall into two categories – home and in office. Home whitening takes around 2 weeks wearing customised mouth trays each evening. The other option is in office whitening which takes around 1 hour.

How long does tooth whitening last?

The effects of whitening are thought to last up to 3 years if you don’t carry out maintenance treatments. Over time teeth will get darker again due to staining and lifestyle factors such as smoking. You can maintain the effects of whitening with regular top-up treatments.

Does teeth whitening hurt?

Whitening your teeth can cause them to become sensitive. This sensitivity is usually intermittent and will disappear when you have completed whitening your teeth. There are products which can help ease tooth sensitivity during the whitening process.

Will tooth whitening damage my teeth?

Whitening carried out correctly under the professional guidance of a dentist will not harm or cause any damage to your teeth.

Does whitening work for everyone?

Whilst teeth whitening works for the majority of people it’s important to note that it doesn’t work for everyone. Some teeth are too deeply stained or otherwise resistant to the effects of whitening gels. Whitening also won’t lighten dental work such as fillings, crowns etc.

How much does it cost to get your teeth professionally whitened?

In the UK teeth whitening ranges from £199 to £500. Often the biggest cost is the initial outlay of the customised trays and whitening kit. Following the initial treatment costs, your teeth will require regular top-up treatments using the whitening gel these cost approx £50 per year.

Is it worth getting your teeth whitened?

Professional teeth whitening can be an effective way to improve the aesthetics of your smile. Lightening your teeth by several shades. A brighter smile is often seen as an attractive trait.

Which is the best tooth whitening?

For the best teeth whitening treatment you need well fitting whitening trays (similar to mouthguards but much thinner) and a quality whitening gel containing hydrogen peroxide. The trays stop the gel leaking into the mouth and stops the gel becoming diluted with saliva.

Have more teeth whitening questions? Contact us here and send us your teeth whitening questions…

Brush up your routine…

Most of us know that taking care of our teeth is now more important than ever. We want to ensure our teeth not only look great, but our breath is fresh and our mouth healthy. With this said it is easy to fall into bad habits that’s why we thought we would share some tips from our Leicester dentists to keep you on track with that winning smile.

• Brush your teeth last thing at night and don’t have anything else to eat or drink after that. You should also brush your teeth at least one other time during the day. You should always use a fluoride toothpaste when brushing your teeth.

• Clean between the teeth. This can be done by either flossing or using interdental brushes. You’ll be surprised at just how much food and plaque you will find squashed in between those gnashers!

• Quit smoking. Our Leicester dentists advise that it will help to reduce tooth staining, gum disease, tooth loss, and in more severe cases mouth cancer.

• Change your toothbrush every two to three months or sooner if it becomes worn. Toothbrushes aren’t as effective when they are worn they also harbour bacteria. If you stock up on spare toothbrushes then it’s easier to keep on top of swapping.

• Visit your dentist regularly, as often as they recommend.

• Chew sugar-free gum after eating or drinking, especially sugary foods. This helps to protect your teeth and gums in between meals.

• Wait an hour after eating/drinking before brushing. The saliva is more acidic after eating/drinking which makes the enamel softer. Brushing could cause unnecessary abrasion.

• Avoid snacking and try to only have sugary foods and drinks at mealtimes. Constant snacking increases the time your mouth is acidic and teeth under attack. Try to just stick with water between meals.

Need to arrange a dental appointment at our Leicester clinic? Get in touch here…

Diabetes and your dental health…

Brushing and flossing are a lot more important than you may think! You’re probably aware of the effects of not brushing and flossing to brush on your teeth but what about the effect it has on your body?

The mouth is the gateway to your body and if you have a healthy mouth then you are more likely to have a healthier body. Your mouth is has millions of bacteria and most of them are harmless. Usually, the body’s natural defences and good oral hygiene, such as daily brushing and flossing, help to keep these bacteria under control. However, without proper dental care, bacteria can reach high levels that might lead to tooth decay and gum disease and even diabetes.

Many people are surprised to discover the link between dental health and diabetes. Research has been ongoing for many years now and shows that there is an increased prevalence of gum disease among those diagnosed with diabetes.

Inflammation from diabetes impairs the body’s ability to utilise insulin. By improving your oral hygiene and treating gum disease you can help to bring diabetes under better control.

Having diabetes can increase your risk of dental problems? Managing your blood glucose levels is a crucial factor in deterring any likely problems. If your blood glucose levels are poorly controlled you are more at risk of developing serious gum disease, more so than non-diabetics.

What’s more, is that serious gum disease may be a factor in causing your blood sugar to rise and make your glucose levels even harder to control.

Other oral problems associated with diabetes include thrush, an infection caused by a fungus that grows in the mouth, and dry mouth which can cause soreness, ulcers, infections and cavities.

You might be wondering how you can prevent dental problems associated with diabetes… First and foremost, control your blood glucose level. Then, take good care of your teeth and gums, along with regular dental checkups every six months. To control thrush, a fungal infection, maintain good diabetic control, avoid smoking and, if you wear them, remove and clean dentures daily. Good blood glucose control can also help prevent or relieve dry mouth caused by diabetes.

Sometimes people don’t realise that they need to tell their dentist that they have diabetes. However, having the most up to date information on your medical health enables us to offer you the very best care and advice possible. To be able to advise you accurately it’s crucial our Leicester dentists have a full medical history to stop any problems from arising.

Diabetes Prevention Week 1-7 of April 2019. Check your risk of Type 2 diabetes…