Monthly Archives: July 2019

Everything you need to know about root canal treatment but were to afraid to ask!

Most people will have heard of root canal treatment but few know what it is! Often when people hear the words ‘root canal treatment’ they instantly freeze with fear as they associate it with unnecessary pain and expense. But root canal treatment (endodontics) is a vital treatment which can save your tooth and save you from a lot of toothache in the future! Our emphasis at Smile Essential dental practice in Leicester is to save teeth and to help you to keep your teeth for life.

Why would I need a root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment (also called Endodontics) is needed when the pulp inside your tooth becomes infected through tooth decay or damaged by an injury to your mouth. This infection may spread through the root canal system, which could eventually lead to an abscess, causing a great deal of discomfort.

What doe’s root canal treatment involve?

Treatment involves the removal of the pulp tissues from the centre of your tooth and refilling it with a special material. Special tools and equipment are required to do this. Treatment is usually completed over 2-3 appointments.

Can I have the tooth removed instead of having root canal treatment?

The loss of even one tooth can have a detrimental effect on your mouth and can lead to your other teeth drifting into the gap, which can cause problems with your bite.

Does root canal treatment hurt?

Root canal treatment procedures are relatively comfortable and often painless as the tooth is anaesthetised during treatment. After treatment, the tooth may be sensitive or tender for a few days due to inflammation of the surrounding tissues. Taking over-the-counter painkillers can relieve this discomfort.

How long is the treatment to have root canal work done?

The treatment is usually carried over 2-3 appointments and can take between 1.5 and 2 hours.

How much does root canal treatment cost?

Our root canal treatment at our Leicester clinic costs from £315. There are other cost considerations you will need to account for such as X-rays, a filling and the future cost of a crown.

Your dentist will provide you with an estimate of costs and a breakdown of the treatment and payments required.

Does root canal treatment always work?

The success rates for root canal treatment is in the region of 80%- 95%. The success depends on firstly being able to access the canals and secondly on the ability to disinfect the entire length of the root canals. In some cases, this is not possible due to the extent of the infection, technical difficulties and complications. Provided the tooth is subsequently restored, it should last for many years.

What will my tooth look like after the root canal treatment?

Sometimes a root-filled tooth may darken, particularly if it died as a result of an injury such as a knock to the tooth. At Smile essential we usually place a tooth coloured to seal the tooth and shape it so it looks like the natural anatomy of a tooth.

How long will my tooth last after having root canal treatment?

Root-filled teeth are more likely to break than healthy unrestored teeth, so your dentist may suggest placing a crown onto the tooth to protect it once the root canal work has completely settled down – usually 6-12 months.

Around 9 out of 10 root-treated teeth survive for 8 to 10 years. Having a crown fitted to the tooth after root canal treatment is important for improving tooth survival rates.

Find out more about the root canal treatment we offer at our Leicester dental practice…

3 Simple tips to stop your kids teeth from rotting this summer…

Schools out and the kids are ruling the roost! As parents, we know how sometimes you just need to keep our little darlings quiet for just a moment. We reach for a sugary treat be it a lolly, a biscuit or chocolate bar. It’s easy to slip into bad habits over the summer. But here are our top 3 ways to keep ahead and keep the kid’s teeth decay-free this summer.

1) Don’t forget to brush!
During the school holidays, your regular routines can slip and things you would usually do are easily forgotten. But please don’t let toothbrushing slip. Brushing your teeth last thing before bed and at one other time during the day with fluoride toothpaste is one of the best ways to prevent dental problems for your children.

2) Don’t snack all day!
Give your kids food at the right time so they have all the three essential meals and fall to snacks and in-between meals less often. Hunger can often be a reason for falling to sugary treats so a good way to combat it and help them avoid sugar is to give them full balanced meals at meal-times.

Also, avoid frequent sipping on juice or pop. This can be disastrous when it comes to their teeth. It doesn’t allow the ph of the mouth to stabilise meaning their little teeth are under constant attack. Encourage sipping of water through the day and if the juice is a must then limit to mealtimes.

3) Don’t reward them with sweets!
This is an easy trap for many to fall into. Sweet treats used to be just that – treats! Treats would maybe be a weekly thing. It has now turned into a daily ritual. Consider treats that you or relatives could replace for the sugary ones.

The warmer months and laid back days can mean frequent sipping on juice or pop. This is a disaster when it comes to their teeth. It doesn’t allow the ph of the mouth to stabilise putting the teeth under constant attack. Encourage sipping of water through the day and if the juice is a must then limit to mealtimes only.

Sadly Leicester children have the worst teeth in the UK according to an NHS survey. Twelve-year-old children in Leicester have the highest rate of tooth decay in England. The latest figures found 45.3% of 12-year-old children in the city have experienced tooth decay, compared to an England average of 17.5% in 2008/09.

If your child needs a dental health check-up then please take a look at our children’s services here

Sun, sand and selfies!

The holiday season is finally upon us and there is no better time to perfect your selfie-taking skills. We want all of our patients celebrating their beautiful smiles with a selfie this summer! Selfies are a fun way of documenting a moment in time and sharing a moment with those you’re connected to.

Here’s how you can take the perfect summer selfie!

Lighting Lighting lighting!

Lighting really is everything when it comes to the perfect selfie! Snap your pic outside on the beach or on your balcony. No one looks good with a shadow cast all over the face.

For that extra bit of special glow take advantage of the golden hour. The golden hour is the period of daytime shortly after sunrise or before sunset, the daylight is redder and softer than when the Sun is higher in the sky.


Relax into your selfie. The best selfies are always fun and lighthearted so relax into it, pull a daft face smile big and laugh loud!

I like to move it, move it!

Snap away whilst laughing and moving around. As well as moving yourself move your arm to different positions. Review the photos that you like the most and then snap away again focusing on what looked best in your last set of selfies. The best selfie-takers are the celebs and they report taking as many as 500 – yes 500 photos before selecting one that they like. Even the fussiest person would probably find 1 they like in 500!


A photo doesn’t always capture the magic of the moment or the true beauty of a person. That’s why we have filters! Apps like Facetune can help to smooth away wrinkles and even brighten your smile! But take it easy you don’t want people to not recognise you. Inbuilt filters can change the colour and hue of your photo. Experiment with them and see if they help to capture the magic of the moment.

Set the scene and use props if necessary

Holidays provide the perfect backdrop for selfies! The scenery can really help to make your selfie sparkle so make use of the beautiful backgrounds, pretty flowers and sparkly water. You can add interest to your selfies with the use of holiday props such as sunglasses, hats, cocktails and fun pool inflatables!