Monthly Archives: May 2020

DIY Dentistry Disasters! Pulling out your own teeth…

We are putting together a series of articles looking at the most common DIY dental treatments from DIY tooth whitening to DIY extractions. We have already looked at the most common DIY treatment – teeth whitening, and this week we are taking a closer look at another DIY dental treatment that is sadly on the rise during this pandemic – DIY tooth extractions (pulling your own tooth out).

DIY Tooth Extractions

The phrase ‘like pulling teeth’ usually describes something that’s difficult to do, requires a lot of effort, is tedious, tiring or unpleasant. Taking one’s own teeth out is not only those things but could also cause you significant medical problems or make the pain worse.

When a tooth is causing you pain or discomfort people often jest ‘oh just take it out’. When we are suffering pain, we want immediate relief and don’t consider the longer-term implications. Losing teeth can create a domino effect of dental problems. Modern dentistry is now focused more on saving teeth with the goal of your teeth lasting a lifetime as it benefits your overall health.

There have been quite a few horror stories in the press over the past couple of months of people who have tried and suffered severely after trying to remove their tooth. Teeth are held in the jaw bone by fibrous ligaments; it’s akin to the tooth being glued into the bone. They are also surrounded by bone support. When a tooth is removed at a dental practice the dentist would take an x-ray prior to extraction so they can check in advance for any problems. They also have special tools and of course training and experience! Removing your own tooth can have severe consequences resulting in increased pain and heavy bleeding.

I know people who have taken their own teeth out with no problems?

You may have heard of someone taking their tooth out with relative ease. Almost always it will be because the person is sadly suffering from gum disease. Gum disease left untreated can weaken the tooth’s gum and bone support. In extreme cases where the patient hasn’t seen a dentist, the tooth can become very loose and either falls out or it can be removed easily.

Getting help and advice

If you’re in dental pain and are a patient of our Leicester dental practice – Smile Essential then you can call us for advice 0116 2891317 or email 

How to place a temporary filling in your tooth…


Temporary Filling Placement At Home 

You will need:- 

A mirror
Good light source
Cotton wool pads, cotton handkerchief or flannel
Temporary filling material
A cotton bud 

 How to place a temporary filling in your tooth:-  

  1. Wash your hands with hot water and soap 
  2. Thoroughly brush your teeth with toothpaste, rinse your mouth with water and then use a mouth wash 
  3. Open the container with the temporary filling, select a rough size as per the area to temporary fill, roll the temporary filling into the size of a small ball, ensuring that this is big enough to cover all of the cavity 
  4. Swallow any excess saliva in your mouth (in order to help the temporary filling material stick we need to try to keep the cavity reasonably dry) 
  5. Using a clean cotton product like a cotton wool pad, cotton handkerchief or flannel dry the tooth in question 
  6. Carefully place the temporary filling into the cavity 
  7. Gently push down and remove any excess temporary filling with a cotton bud 
  8. Gently bite your teeth together 
  9. Avoid eating or drinking or brushing for the next hour 

The following aftercare is recommended:-  

  • Avoid eating on the side with the temporary filling
  • Avoid eating hard or sticky foods 
  • Avoid any sugary food or drinks between meals 
  • Place a pea-size amount of fluoride toothpaste all over the tooth twice a day at a separate time to brushing your teeth 
  • Keep the area clean with your toothbrush

If you have any concerns at all please contact us via telephone 0116 2891317 or email