Are you smiling on your facebook picture?

We all know what is… and for those who don’t where have you been?!

We have our photos on it… whether we like it or not! Even here at Smile Essential our Practice Manager Dawn who hasn’t got a facebook account is aware that we all tag photos of her at social events, even though she doesn’t have a profile.

Facebook is ourselves in digital form, we have a status, we have a wall, we express what religion we are or not, we have a relationship status, share what we like and what we don’t like and we all have photos.

Is your profile photo displaying what you want it to? There’s no secret, those who don’t like their smile don’t smile on their photographs or will smile falsely hiding their teeth.

So we all scour the multitude of photos that display us at the right angle and in the right light and a shot we’re happy for anyone and everyone to see. If the fact you’re not smiling on your photos bothers you, look at getting something done about it. With the options available you’d be surprised what a dentist here in Leicester can do for you and also how affordable some of the treatments can be. Sometimes its a chip on the tooth and getting that sorted can make all the difference, sometimes it’s that fact you’re not happy with the colour of your teeth, whatever the reason may be we will be able to offer you a solution to make you smile.

To find out more call us on 01162891317 or drop us an email