If you suffer from a lot of stress, you may well be doing a lot of damage which may become very serious in the future when the damage comes to light. One of the problems caused by stress is teeth grinding. Something you would probably know about and are suffering from for a prolonged period of time. This condition comes from the inability to relax after a heavy day and if you take that pent-up stress to the bedroom with you, you may well be getting a poor night’s sleep as well as grinding your teeth.
If your teeth and jaws are starting to ache in the morning, it’s a sign that you’re having a problem, but if your jaws start to click, even lock in place, or your teeth look worn, it can be a serious problem. It is imperative that this is treated right away, otherwise you could be doing untold damage to your upper body- from your teeth to your neck. A dentist can prescribe you some form of mouth-guard to save your teeth, as well as rebuilding really damaged ones, but that doesn’t get to the core of the problem- stress!
Stress needs to be defused in order to stop the grinding; if you identify that you suffer from a stress, your dentist can help guide you towards some simple exercises that will help your jaw and teeth, that you can do before your head hits the pillow, and hopefully stop you grinding your teeth.
We at Smile Essential, hope this helps and if you do experience any problems, we’ll be happy to help.