Detecting and Treating Tooth Decay at Smile Essential

Tooth decay is a silent problem, creeping up on the teeth gradually, never revealing itself until it has caused lasting damage and persistent pain.

However, at Smile Essential Dental Practice we can spot and treat even the tiniest bit of decay during a routine check-up.

How we can spot and treat tooth decay?

The early stages of tooth decay are usually unnoticeable and they cause no pain. However, we use magnification during our dental check-ups to pin-point evening the smallest instance of decay and fill it before it can spread and become a cavity.

We can also use dental x-rays to explore the inside of a tooth if we feel it may be infected.

How does tooth decay occur?

The start of decay may begin with a mild rise in the level of sugar you consume or a decline if the amount of time you spend on your dental hygiene, whatever the root cause tooth decay generally occurs for the same reason each time-dental bacteria creates plaque, which eats away first at the enamel, then the dentin before reaching the dental chamber inside the tooth and infecting the pulp and tissue inside.

Once this infection has entered the tooth the pain begins and sadly it may be too late to save the tooth. The dental pulp inside a tooth is what keeps it alive, so once this has become infected the tooth is technically dead. Treatments such as root canal therapy can be used to clean and sterilise the tooth, after which a crown will be placed over the damaged tooth to restore its strength, but it will never match the strength of a natural tooth.

During our dental check-ups we locate the very early signs of decay to stop this from happening and prevent you from loosing your teeth, for beautiful and healthy smiles.