Why you should never put these everyday things in your mouth…

Hot Roast Potatoes – Listen, we love a roast potatoes as much as the next person but those little roasties can be a furnace of heat! It isn’t roast potatoes we’re advising against but burning hot roasties that could cause you some serious mouth burns.

Toffee – This one tends to be a Christmas a special. If you’ve ever had jaw ache from chewing toffee you’re not alone. But all that chewing could dislodge a filling, we see this so often in the dental clinic. Another drawback of toffee is the sticky sugary nature of it, it gets stuck to your teeth and causes them to be under attack for longer.

Ice cubes – We’ve seen a few people at Smile Essential Dental Practice with broken teeth or fillings after chewing on ice cubes. It’s surprisingly common for people to suck on ice cubes. They may be sugar-free but the irresistible urged to crunch could land you an unnecessary trip to see the dentist.

Pens – Whilst they’re not very tasty this little pen nibbling habit could chip one your front teeth. Absent-mindedly chewing on pen lids or tops is notorious for creating little chips in your teeth. If you have already have had dental work done such as crowns, veneers or fillings it could chip them off, making that a very expensive habit.

Bottle and jar lids – It’s frustrating not being able to get into your favourite jar of pasta sauce or open a beer when you can’t find a bottle opener, but do so at your peril! The extra pressure you put on your teeth might cause a crack so big it requires extensive dental treatment.

M&M’s – Yes we love M&M’s too! M&M’s are high in sugar but that’s not what has earned them a place in ‘7 things you should never put in your mouth’, it’s the hard nature of them. Again we have seen patients that were munching away on M&M’s and broke a filling. If you haven’t got any fillings approach with caution and keep in moderation but if you have a number of fillings it’s probably best to avoid altogether.

Fizzy drinks – Fizzy drinks are a cocktail for decay, they combine many various negatives components. The high sugar content which causes decay combined with the acidity with weakens the teeth, the frequent sipping keeps your teeth under attack and the fact the liquid washes around all of your teeth makes it a recipe for disaster. This includes diet fizzy drinks.

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