Braces: the must have accessory for adults

Around 50% of orthodontic treatments are now being carried out on adults. The request for straighter teeth has become increasingly popular amongst our adult patients at Smile Essential. Braces are now commonly seen being worn by people in their thirties, forties, fifties and sixties!

Extensive treatments such as veneers or crowns were once the quick fix treatment for those that just wanted to straighten up the teeth that were most visible in the smile line. However, most of our patients want lovely straight teeth without invasive treatment or doing anything to damage the teeth.

Being an adult, most dislike the idea of braces and believed they weren’t an option for them due to appearance and the huge commitment to long treatment times to get their teeth straight.

There have been major advancements in dental treatment over the last decade and especially around orthodontics. There are now a wider variety of brace treatments.

At Smile Essential Dental Practice we offer Anterior (Anterior means nearer the front) Alignment Orthodontics. It concentrates on moving the teeth visible in your smile to a more desirable position. Which means that you get to straighten the teeth that matter to you most, in a fraction of the time it takes traditional orthodontics and because it doesn’t take as long it doesn’t cost as much as much as traditional braces.

There are many options to finance your orthodontic treatment. We have a range of flexible options specially tailored to suit you and your needs. One of our most popular finance options is our 12 months 0% interest offer; it allows you to spread the cost of your new smile so you don’t have to make any lifestyle changes. You can see the various rates and options and work out what you can afford to borrow and the monthly costs with our handy online finance calculator.

Brace treatment is not suitable for everyone and you may require specialist treatment with an orthodontist. That’s why we offer FREE consultations to come in for a chat and an initial assessment. We currently offer complimentary teeth whitening to finish your new straighter smile perfectly.

Call our friendly team to arrange a convenient appointment today 0116 2891317

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