At our Leicester dental practice, we offer a tooth whitening treatment that guarantees you’ll achieve the lightest shade on the natural shade guide. It’s called Enlighten Ultimate. Enlighten offers results that aren’t even comparable to other tooth whitening solutions, all of our patients have been delighted with the results and the ease of the treatment.
Does it work on very dark teeth?
Yes, even if you have the darkest teeth on the shade guide we can still guarantee you will achieve the lightest colour.
I’ve heard teeth whitening can cause sensitivity?
It’s common that with some tooth whitening systems, transient sensitivity can be a big issue. However, with the Enlighten system, we offer at our Leicester clinic patients rarely report sensitivity problems that haven’t been resolved with the specially designed sensitive tooth serum contained as part of your package.
Will the results last?
The results will last indefinitely as long as you look after your tooth whitening trays and carry out a top up one night every couple of months.
Do I have to be a Patient of Smile Essential?
No, we carry out free tooth whitening consultations to new and existing patients.
Is tooth whitening suitable for me?
There are a few reasons why tooth whitening might not be for you. This is one of the key reasons we offer free consultations – to check your suitability. If it isn’t suitable the dentist will discuss your options.
Is it difficult?
The process is very simple and generally takes 3 appointments.
The first appointment is for a free consultation to check that your suitable and what your tooth whitening goals are, if you’re happy we can take the impressions at this stage to make your uniquely designed tooth whitening trays.
The second appointment is when the uniquely designed tooth whitening trays are fitted and then you start to whiten your teeth from home each evening for the next 2 weeks.
The final appointment at Smile Essential we complete in-surgery laser tooth whitening whilst you can relax and watch a DVD and then we will reveal your new whiter brighter and beautiful Smile.
To arrange a free consultation get in touch here…