Help your kids teeth survive this Halloween with these 5 tips…

Halloween is just around the corner, and many people will be heading out this weekend for Haloween fun, parties and sweets! Halloween is likely to be the one time of year we let our children have easier access to all kinds of sweets than we wouldn’t at any other time of year. But have no fear Smile Essential is here with 5 handy tips to help your little monsters happy and mouth healthy this Halloween.

1) Have dinner before you go trick or treating or to a party. Ensuring the kids are full will hopefully limit how many sweet treats they munch!

2) Ensure good brushing in the build-up to Halloween. They should know that they can only have treats if they have brushed well enough. On the day that they eat sweet treats ensure they have cleaned 2-3 times, thoroughly for 2 minutes especially before bed.

3) Get rid of the loot as quickly as you can! However, you can manage it try and get rid of those sweets as quickly as possible! The more often your child snacks on these the more chance they stand of causing tooth decay. You don’t want your kids to be snacking on sweets and candy for the next week! If you can try and avoid any particularly bad treats – chewy and sticky sweets really stick to the teeth and in between gaps. This can cause a lot to teeth.

4) Drink water. Just because they are having sweets doesn’t mean this has to include sweet or fizzy drinks. In fact, this should be a rule that if they have sweets they will only be drinking water. This will help to minimise any damage. Encourage them to sip frequently and always have a good drink of water once they’ve finished eating.

5) Throw in some kinder to teeth treats. If your kids are old enough then maybe have some sugar free gum. This is great for helping to minimise damage. It also works well to add this in at the end of them scoffing as the last thing they eat from their collection.

Have fun stay safe and clean well! Check out how you can help keep your children’s teeth healthy…