Keeping up with your dental care at home…

Staying as healthy as possible has moved to the top of the list for all of us right now. Did you know that your oral health has a connection with your overall health?

But with more and more of us staying at home it can be easy to fall into bad habits and let regular routines slip. However, now could be the perfect time to refresh your routine! Here are our top tips for ensuring you maintain a healthy mouth.

• This is always on the top of the list for a reason! Ensure you’re cleaning twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste. The fluoride in the toothpaste helps to repair and strengthen the teeth.

• Change your toothbrush every two to three months or sooner if the bristles are splayed or worn. Toothbrushes aren’t as effective when worn down, and they also harbour an increasing amount of bacteria. 

• Clean in between your teeth. Toothbrushing only cleans three of the five surfaces of your teeth. Your breath will never be fresh or your teeth clean if you don’t clean in between them. The other two tooth surfaces can be cleaned by either flossing or using interdental brushes. You’ll be surprised at just how much food and plaque you will find hidden there!

• Avoid getting into the bad habit of snacking! Snacking throughout the day means your teeth are under attack and you stand a good chance of developing tooth decay.

• Brushing your teeth last thing at night with fluoride toothpaste helps to protect them. During the night, your mouth becomes dry and is more susceptible to problems.

• Stick to drinking water or herbal teas between meals.

Still want to improve your oral health further! Then you’ll enjoy reading our 3 quick switches to improve your dental routine…