What are Porcelain Veneers?

“Everytime I read a magazine, a celebrity is said to have had veneers. I can see their teeth look nice, but what actually are porcelain veneers?”

Porcelain veneers are thin shells of porcelain bonded over the front surface of the teeth. They are long lasting, stain-resistant and can be a very natural looking restoration. Porcelain is very versatile; it can be used to lengthen, widen and whiten. We customise them personally to you, choosing the exact shape, colour etc.

There’s a whole host of reasons patients may have porcelain veneers. Placed on misaligned crooked teeth they can give the appearance of perfectly straight teeth, they can cover stained, discolored teeth or be applied to whiten and brighten the entire smile. We can bond longer porcelain veneers to worn or chipped teeth to make them look younger and stronger. Or they can be made to match the surrounding existing teeth, too. We would need to see you for a consultation to determine exactly what it were you needed and whether veneers were a suitable option.