During this time of year, finances can seem ever more restricted. Christmas is fast approaching, the ever-increasing list of people to buy Christmas presents for and the impending January credit card bill will soon follow! That’s why we have a membership plan at Smile Essential because we are totally committed to providing our patients with the best quality dental care but at an affordable price for everyone. Our dental plan means that we can provide private but affordable dental care which allows us to spend more time with our patients and provide prompt treatment using the latest techniques and best quality dentistry.
It’s easy to let your 6 monthly dental health check slip into 7 months, then 8 and before you know it it’s been a whole year since your last dentist visit and your mouth is feeling icky! Our practice membership plan – Smile Plan offers a simple way to budget for your regular dental care for the same price as your monthly TV license direct debit.
Joining our Smile Plan membership provides you with a comprehensive programme of maintenance, your regular dental health checks are covered, as are x-rays, 2 hygiene appointments and a handy discount if treatment is required.
As a member of our dental plan, you’ll save a huge 15% discount on a wide variety of treatments including dental crowns, dental onlays, dental veneers, tooth coloured fillings, extra hygiene appointments and more.
However, the biggest benefit of joining is that patients who attend regularly tend not to as much dental treatment! Early detection and prevention is key! Being proactive with prevention is important to your dental health ensuring you’ll keep your teeth for life!
There are also a few added extras to the dental plan:
• 12-month guarantee on all restorative work (provided due care has been taken).
• Priority appointments for your convenience.
• Same day assessment of dental emergencies and dental pain.
• Dispensing of most antibiotics.
• Emergency call out.
• Dental insurance for treatment needed anywhere in the world as a result of accidental damage to your teeth.
• Worldwide emergency call out.
And it’s all at the great price of just £12.99 a month
This membership is open to new and existing patients that may want to budget for their dental care and take advantage of all of the benefits of smile plan. Also, you can join if you require some dental treatment that way you can take advantage of the 15% discount straight away!
Signing up is easy we just need your bank details to set up a direct debit and a signature.