Taking care of your children’s teeth this summer…

The summer is a time of fun and excitement and one of the downsides of that for your children is sugar! Here we look at the key ways you can help take care of your children’s teeth this summer.

Stick to your routine

It’s easy over the summer holidays to let routines go out of the window but try to stay on track with twice daily toothbrushing.

Keep an eye on what they drink

The warmer months and laid back days can mean frequent sipping on juice or pop. This is a disaster when it comes to their teeth. It doesn’t allow the ph of the mouth to stabilise putting the teeth under constant attack. Encourage sipping of water through the day and if the juice is a must then limit to meal times only.

Food timings

Give your kids food at the right time so they have all the three essential meals and fall to snacks and in-between meals less often. Hunger can often be a reason for falling to sugary treats so a good way to combat it and help them avoid sugar is to give them full balanced meals at meal times.

Visit the dentist

This will ensure that your children’s teeth have been checked and are healthy. The dentist can also help reinforce healthy habits at home.


Often over the holiday’s relatives spend more time with the children. Whether they’re visiting for the day or helping out with childcare. It’s good to get in there and explain that you’re trying to keep the kids sugar down and not to give bring or give them any sweets. If they usually like to bring something or want to treat the kids then suggest a magazine.

You can read more about taking care of your children’s dental health here…

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