Trust Me I’m a Parent

As a parent you may either love going to the dentist or hate it, whether it’s down to fear, inconvenience, bad experiences or how you were brought up to feel. Please, unless you love going to the dentist, don’t let those feelings rub off onto your little ones.

You should never bribe your child or threaten punishment when trying to persuade them to go if they don’t like it. You always have to think carefully about how you say things… Shrikesh Kotecha of Smile Essential in Leicester has compiled some Do’s and Don’ts below and we has also added how your child might interpret some of the statements you make.

Please do:

1) Tell your little one they are going to the dentist

Child’s interpretation – Oh OK, not been before but let’s go / Cool I’ve been there before, they have toys and a really nice lady there in that room with the comfy seats.

2) Tell them that the dentist will count their teeth

Child’s interpretation – Oooh I wonder how many teeth I have, how many do I need to make a full set?

3) Tell them the dentist will show them how to brush their teeth just like mummy and daddy do.

Child’s interpretation – I’ll be a proper grown up if I can just brush my teeth properly.

Please don’t:

1) Tell them you are taking them to the park just to get them in the car.

Child’s interpretation – There’s the park mummy, stop the car mummy, we’re here…Wait a minute, what’s this place, why is there an odd looking seat…I want to go to the park!!!

2) Tell them it’s OK to be frightened because you were too when you were little.

Child’s interpretation – That’s it, I’m definitely not going if my brave mummy/daddy were frightened because it must be bad!

3) Tell them not to be scared.

Childs interpretation- Why would you tell me not to be scared if there is nothing to be scared of…you must be scared…Nope, definitely not going!

4) Tell them it won’t hurt.

Child’s interpretation- Why would you tell me it wasn’t going to hurt, it must definitely hurt …you must have been hurt before…No! No! No! Definitely not going!!!! Cue Tantrum!

If you are nervous about coming to the dentist yourself then it may be best if you try to say nothing or perhaps see if a friend or relative can bring them in.