Ever wondered why the dental receptionist is so insistent on booking in your next dental appointment before you leave? It’s because they are vital to keeping your mouth healthy.
Regular dentist checkups or as we call them here at Smile Essential Dental Practice in Leicester – Dental Health Checks, are essential for spotting problems early.
If you leave without arranging your next dental appointment then you will often go over the advised interval your dentist has recommended an appointment. Sometimes 6 months turns into a year and before you know it your mouth will start to feel unhealthy.
At your check-up appointment, the dentist is looking at a lot more than just teeth! They will be carrying out a full oral health exam.
There are 10 points we review at your Dental Health Check:
1) Your awareness of the health of your mouth
2) The health of your teeth
3) The health, stability and appearance of any restorations (eg fillings, crowns)
4) The health of your gums
5) The health of the bones supporting your teeth
6) Plaque control and home care regime
7) The comfort and health of your bite (how teeth meet together)
8) Signs of tooth wear/grinding or clenching
9) The health of your jaw joint
10) Mouth cancer check
Often the dentist will also be keeping a close eye on any areas they are particularly concerned about and will want to regularly review it. This is one of the reasons it’s advisable to attend the same dental practice and not chop and change.
Attending regularly for you Dental Health Check is one of the best things you can do to prevent dental problems and avoid unnecessary dental treatment.
Once our checks are complete we also discuss our findings with our patients and help you to develop a personalised oral healthcare regime individually tailored to your needs.
Our goal is to help you keep your teeth and gums in the best possible condition.
Need to arrange your dental appointment at our Leicester based clinic? Give us a call on 0116 2891317